CRSV-MPTF Consolidated Annual Report 2023
This fourth Consolidated Annual Narrative and Financial Progress Report (the Report) for the
Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Multi-Partner Trust Fund (CRSV-MPTF or the Fund) is
prepared by the United Nations (UN) Action Secretariat, the United Nations Team of Experts on
the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict (Team of Experts or TOE), and the UNDP, Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTFO) in its capacity as the Administrative Agent of the CRSV-MPTF. The Report is based on information provided by the Participating UN Organizations
(PUNOs). In accordance with the Terms of Reference (TORs) of the Fund, the Administrative
Agent consolidates financial reports from the PUNOs and combines this with the narrative report,
which is prepared by the UN Action Secretariat. This Report provides information on key achievements undertaken through the CRSV-MPTF in 2023.